April 15 2011 13 Tips for Anyone
By MMG8427
Copyright 2009, RedPointFitness.com
13 Tips for Anyone Who Wants to Improve Performance and Look Better Naked Part I – Training
If I could go back in time and tell my “beginner self” a few things about training, nutrition, cardio and supplements… what would I want to know? What tips have I learned over the last several years that have contributed most to improvements made in my physique, my performance and my overall health? I have thought about this a lot, and I have come up with 26 golden nuggets of information, split into several parts, that will help you reach your goals more quickly, whatever they may be. Keep in mind that these are in no particular order. Also, I try to get to the point and present you with the “takeaway” information, which is what most of us are concerned about to begin with, right? I hope you enjoy!
Read More »February 10 2011 Ad mala quisque animum referat sua
By Madhatter10-6
Copyright 2011, RedPointFitness.com
I have been thinking lately on what I would do differently if I could start my entire lifting career over. About the things that I wish someone would have taken the time to tell me, about all of the stuff that I had to learn the hard way, which could have been easily avoided.
Read More »January 31 2011 Congrats to MtnJunkie711 on his state titles!
Congrats to MtnJunkie711 on his state titles!
MtnJunkie711, who has been with us over a red point for a while now just set two South Carolina state records!
Read More »November 30 2010 4 Basic Exercises that Most People Perform Incorrectly
By MMG8427
Copyright 2009, RedPointFitness.com
Below are 4 common exercises that many people, even knowledgeable lifting enthusiasts often perform incorrectly. How do I know? I used to be one of them. I always assumed I was performing them correctly since I have had great coaches, was getting good results in the gym, and had gone 6+ years without injury despite training for and competing in both Figure and Powerlifting multiple times. Plus, having been an avid reader of articles and books by Tate, Thibadeau, Cressey, Robertson, Wendler, Boyle and Cosgrove for years, I fancied myself quite the savvy lifter. But after getting a little schooling from Mike Robertson last January, I learned that my suboptimal form was keeping me from reaching the next level as well as ensuring my spot on the injured list in the future. I was compensating for weak areas, so no matter how much I lifted those weak areas remained weak, while my stronger areas began to take on a disproportionate amount of load. Since working with MR, I’ve learned that being mindful of correct form may force you to drop some weight off the bar at first, but over time will increase strength and performance as well as prevent injury. And who doesn’t want that? Without further ado, here are the exercises!
Read More »October 23 2010 Belted or unbelted squatting
By Iron Addict
Copyright 2009, RedPointFitness.com
Here was my response (after reading many other’s answers) to the age-old question about whether to squat with or without a belt:
Damn, I hate all these black and white responses to NON black and white questions. But, I am guilty of them too at times so I shouldn’t be disappointed when others that I respect do it as well. Here are some thoughts on the “belt vs. no-belt” squatting. I will let you sort out the conclusions.
Read More »October 15 2010 Congrats to Michael Keck, the newest addition to elitefts.com
Red Point’s very own Micheal Keck just got picked up by elitefts.com’s log section.
Read More »
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